Navigating the Maze of Homeowners Insurance and Electrical Concerns

Your home is a haven, an investment, and a legacy. It's only natural to seek insurance protection for it. But when electrical issues arise, does your homeowners insurance have your back? With Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd. by your side, get informed insights and solutions for your home's electrical needs.

Homeowners Insurance and Electrical Problems: What's Typically Covered?

Sudden and Accidental Damage: If an unexpected electrical surge damages your appliances or an unforeseen electrical fire harms your home, your insurance may cover the repairs and replacements, provided the cause wasn't neglect or wear and tear.

Lightning Strikes:

Many policies cover damages directly resulting from a lightning strike, such as fires or ruined electronics.


If someone intentionally damages your home's electrical system, insurance may step in to cover repairs.

Potential Exclusions and Limitations

General Wear and Tear:

Aging wiring or systems showing gradual deterioration might not be covered. Routine maintenance is a homeowner's responsibility.

Faulty Workmanship:

If damage occurs due to improper installation or repairs, your claim might be denied.

Uncovered Perils:

Some causes of damage, depending on your policy, might not be covered—always check the specifics.

Tips for Homeowners

Regular Maintenance:

Engage professionals like Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd. to regularly inspect and maintain your electrical systems. This not only keeps your home safe but also aligns with insurance requirements.

Document Everything:

In the case of a claim, having photographic evidence and maintenance records can be invaluable.

Review Your Policy:

nsure you're clear on what's covered and consider additional coverages if needed.

Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd.: Your Electrical Safety Partner

While insurance provides a financial safety net, prevention is always better than cure. Our team offers:

Expert Assessments:

Understand your home's electrical health and potential risks.

Quality Repairs and Upgrades:

Ensure your electrical systems are up-to-date and safe.

Safety Audits:

Receive recommendations to mitigate risks and enhance safety.

Stay Informed, Stay Protected

Homeowners insurance can provide significant peace of mind, but it's essential to know its scope and limitations, especially concerning electrical problems.

Have concerns about your home's electrical system? Ensure safety and compliance with expert guidance.

Call Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd. at 204-306-2121 for expert advice and service.

With Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd., light up your world with safety, knowledge, and trust.

winnipeg electricians

A tripped circuit might seem like a minor hiccup in your day, but it's essential to address the underlying cause promptly and professionally.

With Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd., you're in safe and competent hands. Remember, it's not just about restoring power; it's about ensuring that your space is safe and efficient.

Call Us Today 204-306-2121.