Electrical Issues To Watch For When Buying A Home

Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd.

Buying a new home is an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but the process isn't without its complexities.

Beyond the aesthetics of your prospective home, there are numerous aspects that need careful scrutiny, not least of which are potential electrical problems. For a province dedicated to sustainable and clean energy, Manitoba residents know the importance of safe and efficient electricity usage.


At Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd., we are committed to providing insights into the world of clean energy, and that includes ensuring your future home is free from electrical hazards. Here's a list of electrical issues to be wary of when considering purchasing a home:


Outdated Wiring Systems:

Homes that are several decades old might still be equipped with knob and tube wiring or aluminum wiring. Not only are these systems less efficient than modern copper wiring, but they also present potential fire hazards.


Insufficient Electrical Service:

Modern homes are laden with numerous electrical gadgets and appliances. An outdated electrical panel might not be equipped to handle the current demands, which can lead to tripping breakers and potential fire risks. Ensure that the home has at least a 100-amp service, though 200-amp is now more common in newer homes.


Uncovered Junction Boxes:

This might seem like a minor issue, but an uncovered junction box can expose wires, leading to potential electric shocks or fire hazards.


Mismatched Breakers and Wires:

The size of the breaker should match the size of the wire it's meant to protect. Mismatched combinations can cause the wire to overheat, posing a fire risk.


Improperly Wired Outlets:

Especially in bathrooms and kitchens, ensure that the outlets are GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) to prevent shocks in areas where water might be present.


Lack of Enough Outlets:

Extension cords are a common solution for homes that lack adequate outlets, but they can be a tripping hazard and might overload circuits if not used correctly. A modern home should have an outlet every 12 feet or at least one on every wall.


Flickering Lights:

This could be a sign of a loose electrical connection, which can lead to sparks and potential fires.


Burnt Outlets or Switches:

Discoloration around outlets or switches could indicate previous arcs or sparks, a clear warning of underlying electrical problems.


Over-fused Circuits:

Sometimes, homeowners replace a blown fuse with one of a higher rating to prevent it from blowing frequently. This can allow the wire to carry more current than it's rated for, increasing the risk of a fire.


Absence of Proper Grounding:

Older homes might not be adequately grounded. Proper grounding is essential to prevent electrical shocks and to ensure the effective operation of GFCI outlets.


If you're considering buying a home in Manitoba, especially an older one, it's crucial to get a thorough electrical inspection. This isn't just about ensuring the lights turn on, but about guaranteeing the safety of your family. Faulty electrical systems can lead to devastating fires, making this an area where cutting corners or overlooking problems can have severe consequences.


Furthermore, for those dedicated to a sustainable future and clean energy, ensuring your home's electrical system is up to par is the first step towards integrating renewable energy solutions. A compromised electrical system might not be safe or efficient enough to handle solar panels or other green energy installations.


In conclusion, while the dream of buying a home is filled with the excitement of new beginnings, it's essential to ensure those beginnings are grounded in safety. By being vigilant about potential electrical issues and seeking professional advice, you can ensure that your home is not just beautiful and welcoming, but also safe and energy-efficient.


For more insights on clean energy solutions in Manitoba and how to make your home more energy-efficient, stay tuned to Clean Energy Manitoba Ltd.'s blog. For When Buying A Home -



Buying a new home is an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but the process isn't without its complexities. Beyond the aesthetics of your prospective home, there are numerous aspects that need careful scrutiny, not least of which are potential electrical problems. For a province dedicated to sustainable and clean energy, Manitoba residents know the importance of safe and efficient electricity usage.


At Clean Energy Manitoba Ltd., we are committed to providing insights into the world of clean energy, and that includes ensuring your future home is free from electrical hazards. Here's a list of electrical issues to be wary of when considering purchasing a home:


Outdated Wiring Systems: Homes that are several decades old might still be equipped with knob and tube wiring or aluminum wiring. Not only are these systems less efficient than modern copper wiring, but they also present potential fire hazards.


Insufficient Electrical Service: Modern homes are laden with numerous electrical gadgets and appliances. An outdated electrical panel might not be equipped to handle the current demands, which can lead to tripping breakers and potential fire risks. Ensure that the home has at least a 100-amp service, though 200-amp is now more common in newer homes.


Uncovered Junction Boxes: This might seem like a minor issue, but an uncovered junction box can expose wires, leading to potential electric shocks or fire hazards.


Mismatched Breakers and Wires: The size of the breaker should match the size of the wire it's meant to protect. Mismatched combinations can cause the wire to overheat, posing a fire risk.


Improperly Wired Outlets: Especially in bathrooms and kitchens, ensure that the outlets are GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) to prevent shocks in areas where water might be present.


Lack of Enough Outlets: Extension cords are a common solution for homes that lack adequate outlets, but they can be a tripping hazard and might overload circuits if not used correctly. A modern home should have an outlet every 12 feet or at least one on every wall.


Flickering Lights: This could be a sign of a loose electrical connection, which can lead to sparks and potential fires.


Burnt Outlets or Switches: Discoloration around outlets or switches could indicate previous arcs or sparks, a clear warning of underlying electrical problems.


Over-fused Circuits: Sometimes, homeowners replace a blown fuse with one of a higher rating to prevent it from blowing frequently. This can allow the wire to carry more current than it's rated for, increasing the risk of a fire.


Absence of Proper Grounding: Older homes might not be adequately grounded. Proper grounding is essential to prevent electrical shocks and to ensure the effective operation of GFCI outlets.


If you're considering buying a home in Manitoba, especially an older one, it's crucial to get a thorough electrical inspection. This isn't just about ensuring the lights turn on, but about guaranteeing the safety of your family. Faulty electrical systems can lead to devastating fires, making this an area where cutting corners or overlooking problems can have severe consequences.


Furthermore, for those dedicated to a sustainable future and clean energy, ensuring your home's electrical system is up to par is the first step towards integrating renewable energy solutions. A compromised electrical system might not be safe or efficient enough to handle solar panels or other green energy installations.


While the dream of buying a home is filled with the excitement of new beginnings, it's essential to ensure those beginnings are grounded in safety. By being vigilant about potential electrical issues and seeking professional advice, you can ensure that your home is not just beautiful and welcoming, but also safe and energy-efficient.


For more insights on clean energy solutions in Manitoba and how to make your home more energy-efficient, stay tuned to Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd. blog

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A tripped circuit might seem like a minor hiccup in your day, but it's essential to address the underlying cause promptly and professionally.

With Clean Energy Electrical Group Ltd., you're in safe and competent hands. Remember, it's not just about restoring power; it's about ensuring that your space is safe and efficient.

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